John Hedtke will share his expertise on a freelance vs. captive career path on November 29, 2023, from 7 – 8 p.m. (Eastern time). The webinar is free to P&P SIG members, but you must register.
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Webinar Description
Ever thought that you might be cut out for the glamorous, high-paying, and rather bohemian lifestyle possible with a freelance existence? Not everyone is suited for freelance work… but neither is everyone suited for captivity. This one-hour presentation will identify the pros and cons for captivity (AKA “fulltime” or “permanent” employment) and freelance work, then show the audience members how to identify their personal employment goals and how to fit these into the pros for each career path. There will also be suggestions for those who haven’t tried freelance work yet on how to get started freelancing on the side, something that could be of great value in the New Depression.
Presenter Bio
John Hedtke has over 30 years of experience as a writer and documentation manager. John has developed and written documentation and books for many leading software products. He has published 27 books and 200 magazine articles on technical subjects. Lists of books, articles, projects, and awards can be found online at his website, John also does numerous radio and magazine interviews and frequently travels to do keynotes, lectures, and guest appearances at conferences and seminars.
John is a Fellow of the Society for Technical Communication. When not otherwise occupied, John plays banjo and guitar. John lives near Tacoma, WA, with his wife Marilyn.
Other cool stuff worth knowing:
- John has donated 85 pints of blood.
- John writes and sells buttons to a button company in California. Some of the clean examples are “I’ve suffered for my art; now it’s your turn,” “Stop me before I log on again,” “Death is nature’s way of telling you to turn off the computer,” “My spirit animal is the gummy bear,” “Failure is not an option—it already comes bundled with the software,” and “How’d you like to curl up in bed with the author of a good book?” It doesn’t pay the rent, but it’s a lot of fun.