January 2024 Meet & Greet

Welcome the new year at the P&P SIG’s virtual Meet & Greet on January 31 at 7 p.m. (EST)!

Join us for conversation and an opportunity to meet the SIG’s official mascot, the intrepid (and photogenic) world traveler, Monte.

We also have a fun, optional activity to launch the new year. Do you have a special quotation or saying? Please share it with attendees at our Meet & Greet. The leadership team will compile the quotations to share with the membership.

There will also be time to learn more about the P&P SIG. Your questions and suggestions for improving the SIG are welcome!

The event is free, but please register to receive the link to the Meet & Greet: Registration Link.

P&P SIG Meet & Greets are informal and relaxed so feel free to drop in as your schedule allows.

If you have any questions or need further information, don’t hesitate to contact Sam Lee, P&P SIG Manager.

August 30 Meet & Greet Roundup

P&P SIG had another Meet & Greet on August 30, 2023. Thank you to everyone who joined!

SIG manager Sam Lee introduced the P&P SIG’s newest member, Valentina DiPeri, who is joining the SIG as website assistant. Welcome Valentina!

The SIG is currently seeking a volunteer treasurer. The treasurer will gain financial management and planning skills.

Here is a recording of the Meet & Greet.

After you watch the video, feel free to leave a message with any questions, feedback, or suggestions.

The Meet & Greet also included time for free discussion. Among the highlights was a lively debate about the impact and future of ChatGPT.

Here’s our P&P SIG committee email address: stcppsig2022@gmail.com

STC P&P SIG Slack: https://join.slack.com/t/stc-communities/shared_invite/zt-1xzkjd6u9-C7vWSp7gpaeXes1OAhOTzw

STC P&P SIG Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/4462932/

July 26 Meet & Greet

P&P SIG had another Meet & Greet on July 26, 2023. Thank you to everyone who joined!

SIG manager Sam Lee introduced the P&P SIG’s new mascot, Monte Carlo, who has been travelling everywhere with SIG member Tricia Spayer since 2006.

The SIG now also has a members-only contest involving Monte and his travels. Each month Tricia Spayer will post a photo of Monte, and you get to guess where in the world Monte is. Email your response to stcppsig2022@gmail.com by July 31 for a chance to win a $15 Amazon gift card.

To see this month’s photo of Monte and learn more about the contest, watch the video below or see the P&P SIG’s July newsletter.

Feel free to watch and leave a message with any questions, feedback, or suggestions.

The Meet & Greet also included time for free discussion. Among the highlights was a lively debate about the differences between processes and procedures.

Here’s our P&P SIG committee email address: stcppsig2022@gmail.com

STC P&P SIG Slack: https://join.slack.com/t/stc-communities/shared_invite/zt-1xzkjd6u9-C7vWSp7gpaeXes1OAhOTzw

STC P&P SIG Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/4462932/

June 2023, Meet & Greet

P&P SIG had a Meet & Greet on 20th June 2023.

Thank you, members, who joined Meet & Greet yesterday.

We are sharing the recorded meeting with our SIG members.

Feel free to watch and leave a message with any questions, feedback, or suggestions.

Here’s our P&P SIG committee email address: stcppsig2022@gmail.com

STC P&P SIG Slack: https://join.slack.com/t/stc-communities/shared_invite/zt-1xzkjd6u9-C7vWSp7gpaeXes1OAhOTzw

STC P&P SIG Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/4462932/